
博客來精選推薦How to Learn and Memorize Russian Vocabulary- Using a Memory Palace Specifically Designed for the Russian Language


How to Learn and Memorize Russian Vocabulary- Using a Memory Palace Specifically Designed for the Russian Language

How to Learn and Memorize Russian Vocabulary- Using a Memory Palace Specifically Designed for the Russian Language 評價





How to Learn and Memorize Russian Vocabulary- Using a Memory Palace Specifically Designed for the Russian Language

就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~

而且難度來說~~ 還~~~算OK啦XD



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How to Learn and Memorize Russian Vocabulary- Using a Memory Palace Specifically Designed for the Russian Language


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How to Learn and Memorize Russian Vocabulary ... Using a Memory Palace Specifically Designed for the Russian Language (and adaptable to many other languages too)

If you’d like to improve your ability to learn Russian vocabulary by as much as 100%, 200%, even 300% (or more) ... using simple memory techniques that you can learn in 15-20 minutes (or less), then this may be the most important book that you will ever read.

Believe it or not, it really doesn’t matter if you think you have a good memory or not.

The information in this book will teach you:

* Why memory is like a bicycle everyone can ride (with some minor personal adjustments).

* The real reason why no one should ever be squeamish about memorization or learning a language.

* Why and how some of the most famous memory skills are applicable to learning any language, especially Russian.

* How you can easily create a "letter location" memory system based on the Russian alphabet.

* A secret method for translating Russian letters into English for better comprehension.

* Unique techniques that will have you literally "tuning in" on the Russian language.

* How to separate Russian words in the most effective manner for memorization.

* Two secret ways you can use relaxation to aid the memorization process. These two methods alone are worth the price of this book because they will literally eliminate your stress and apprehension as you learn Russian.

* And much, much more ...

These techniques have been used by real language learners, most of whom previously considered themselves owners of a "bad memory," to make real strides in learning Russian vocabulary.

Don’t worry! None of these techniques are rocket science.

Frankly, if you can memorize a short email address or the name of a movie, then you can use this system to memorize a language as rich and diverse as Russian.

Plus, everything you’ll learn in this book applies to every other language that shares the same alphabet with English. And with a little imagination, the ideas are easily transferable to other alphabet systems too.

But there’s really no time to lose.

Every day that you are not using this simple vocabulary memorization system, you are literally stealing from yourself the joy of being able to read, speak and recall an abundance of Russian vocabulary as you easily expand the natural abilities of your mind.


  • 作者: Metivier, Anthony, Ph.D.
  • 原文出版社:Createspace Independent Pub
  • 出版日期:2013/07/03
  • 語言:英文

How to Learn and Memorize Russian Vocabulary- Using a Memory Palace Specifically Designed for the Russian Language

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